The Pilgrims of Great Britain and its sister society, the Pilgrims of the United States, are the two oldest and most prestigious Anglo- American organisations on both sides of the Atlantic. Over more than a century the Pilgrims have played a very important role in cementing good relations between the two countries, and have acted as one of the principal custodians of what has come to be known as the Special Relationship.
Under the Presidency of Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Stirrup and the Chairmanship of Mrs Diane Simpson, the Pilgrims of Great Britain look forward with continuing enthusiasm to a challenging future.
Benjamin Franklin and the Craven Street Bones
Tuesday 14th March 2023

TDr Paul Knapman (Coroner of Westminster for 31 years) and Dr Márcia Balisciano (Director of Benjamin Franklin House) shared their fascinating story of the Craven Street bones which were discovered in the basement of Benjamin Franklin House in 1998.
Winslow Homer at the National Gallery
Thursday 5th January 2023

In the late afternoon of 5th January 2023, a group of Pilgrims and their guests overcame rail strikes and met at the National Gallery to see the exhibition "Winslow Homer: Force of Nature." We were extremely fortunate to be accompanied on our tour by Chris Riopelle who had curated the exhibition.